view CMakeLists.txt @ 447:56237ba5da6f

Adding auto-restart support whenever USB gets into an odd state - Somewhat aggresive, may cause restarts if the keyboard/OS hasn't fully intialized the keyboard - Added GET_IDLE handling and correct usage of SET_IDLE - Initial implementation of idle send, commented out as it causes issues on Mac OSX for sleeping (keyboard has been working without it) - MacOSX seems to have some sort of data corruption on the USB link, not sure why (other OSs have no issues) - Cleaned up some code - Added a longer sleep after the resume sequence to prevent possible issues sending keys too soon (may need to be increased more) Ipad support now seems flaky, though Mac, Windows seems solid. Init sequence on Linux seems slow, even though there are no errors.
author Jacob Alexander <>
date Fri, 27 May 2016 01:21:57 -0700
parents b5746c43904e
line wrap: on
line source

###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller |###
# Jacob Alexander 2011-2016
# Due to this file's usefulness:
# Released into the Public Domain

# Chip Selection

#| You _MUST_ set this to match the microcontroller you are trying to compile for
#| You _MUST_ clean the build directory if you change this value
set( CHIP
#       "at90usb162"       # Teensy   1.0 (avr)
#       "atmega32u4"       # Teensy   2.0 (avr)
#       "at90usb646"       # Teensy++ 1.0 (avr)
#       "at90usb1286"      # Teensy++ 2.0 (avr)
#       "mk20dx128"        # Teensy   3.0 (arm)
	"mk20dx128vlf5"    # McHCK       mk20dx128vlf5
#       "mk20dx256"        # Teensy   3.1,3.2 (arm)
#       "mk20dx256vlh7"    # Kiibohd-dfu mk20dx256vlh7
	CACHE STRING "Microcontroller Chip"

# Compiler Selection

#| gcc has been tested much more (and will likely give smaller binaries)
#| clang does work though
#| Currently only arm is supported with clang
	"gcc"   # arm-none-eabi-gcc / avr-gcc - Default
#       "clang" # arm-none-eabi
	CACHE STRING "Compiler Type"

# Compiler Intialization
include( initialize )

# Project Modules

#| Note: This is the only section you probably want to modify
#| Each module is defined by it's own folder (e.g. Scan/Matrix represents the "Matrix" module)
#| All of the modules must be specified, as they generate the sources list of files to compile
#| Any modifications to this file will cause a complete rebuild of the project

#| Please look at the {Scan,Macro,Output,Debug} for information on the modules and how to create new ones

##| Deals with acquiring the keypress information and turning it into a key index
set(   ScanModule "MD1"
	CACHE STRING "Scan Module" )

##| Provides the mapping functions for DefaultMap and handles any macro processing before sending to the OutputModule
set(  MacroModule "PartialMap"
	CACHE STRING "Macro Module" )

##| Sends the current list of usb key codes through USB HID
set( OutputModule "pjrcUSB"
	CACHE STRING "Output Module"

##| Debugging source to use, each module has it's own set of defines that it sets
set(  DebugModule "full"
	CACHE STRING "Debug Module"

# Keymap Configuration (do not include the .kll extension)

#| Do not include the .kll extension
#| * BaseMap maps the native keyboard scan codes to USB Codes so the layout is compatible with all other layouts
#| * DefaultMap allows the default keymap to be modified from the BaseMap
#| * PartialMaps is a set of dynamically set layers (there is no limit, but too many may use up too much RAM...)
#| BaseMap generally does not need to be changed from "defaultMap"
#| Syntax:
#|  myMap
#|    * defines a single .kll layout file, double-quotes are needed to distinguish between layers
#|  "myMap specialLayer"
#|    * defines myMap to be the main layout, then replace specialLayers on top of it
#| - Only for PartialMaps -
#|  "myMap specialLayer" "myMap colemak" dvorak
#|    * As before, but also generates a second layer at index 2 and third at index 3
#| NOTE:  Remember to add key(s) to enable each Partial Layer
#| NOTE2: Layers are always based up the BaseMap (which should be an ANSI-like mapping)
#| NOTE3: Compiler looks in kll/layouts and the build directory for layout files (precedence on build directory)

##| Set the base keyboard .kll map, defaults to "defaultMap" if not found
##| Looks in Scan/<Module Name> for the available BaseMaps
set(     BaseMap "defaultMap"
	CACHE STRING "KLL BaseMap/Scancode Keymapping" )

##| Layer additonal .kll maps on the BaseMap, layers are in order from 1st to nth
##| Can be set to ""
set(  DefaultMap "md1Overlay stdFuncMap"
	CACHE STRING "KLL DefaultMap" )

##| ParitalMaps available on top of the BaseMap. See above for syntax on specifying multiple layers vs. layering
##| Can be set to ""
set( PartialMaps "hhkbpro2"
	CACHE STRING "KLL PartialMaps/Layer Definitions" )

# Source Defines (in addition to the selected Modules)

# Project Description

#| Project
project( kiibohd_controller )

#| Target Name (output name)
set( TARGET kiibohd )

#| General Settings
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )

# Module Initialization / Compilation / Targets
include( modules )
include( kll ) # Generate kll layouts if necessary
include( build )