view Output/usbMuxUart/output_com.c @ 447:56237ba5da6f

Adding auto-restart support whenever USB gets into an odd state - Somewhat aggresive, may cause restarts if the keyboard/OS hasn't fully intialized the keyboard - Added GET_IDLE handling and correct usage of SET_IDLE - Initial implementation of idle send, commented out as it causes issues on Mac OSX for sleeping (keyboard has been working without it) - MacOSX seems to have some sort of data corruption on the USB link, not sure why (other OSs have no issues) - Cleaned up some code - Added a longer sleep after the resume sequence to prevent possible issues sending keys too soon (may need to be increased more) Ipad support now seems flaky, though Mac, Windows seems solid. Init sequence on Linux seems slow, even though there are no errors.
author Jacob Alexander <>
date Fri, 27 May 2016 01:21:57 -0700
parents 380e1f0123d0
children 45feb80a2ad1
line wrap: on
line source

/* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Jacob Alexander
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// ----- Includes -----

// Compiler Includes
#include <Lib/OutputLib.h>

// Project Includes
#include <cli.h>
#include <led.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <scan_loop.h>

// USB Includes
#if defined(_at90usb162_) || defined(_atmega32u4_) || defined(_at90usb646_) || defined(_at90usb1286_)
#elif defined(_mk20dx128_) || defined(_mk20dx128vlf5_) || defined(_mk20dx256_) || defined(_mk20dx256vlh7_)
#include <arm/uart_serial.h>
#include <arm/usb_dev.h>
#include <arm/usb_keyboard.h>
#include <arm/usb_serial.h>
#include "arm/usb_mouse.h"

// KLL
#include <kll_defs.h>

// Local Includes
#include "output_com.h"

// ----- Macros -----

// Used to build a bitmap lookup table from a byte addressable array
#define byteLookup( byte ) case (( byte ) * ( 8 )):         bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 0; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 1 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 1; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 2 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 2; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 3 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 3; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 4 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 4; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 5 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 5; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 6 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 6; break; \
                           case (( byte ) * ( 8 ) + ( 7 )): bytePosition = byte; byteShift = 7; break

// ----- Function Declarations -----

void cliFunc_kbdProtocol( char* args );
void cliFunc_outputDebug( char* args );
void cliFunc_readLEDs   ( char* args );
void cliFunc_readUART   ( char* args );
void cliFunc_sendKeys   ( char* args );
void cliFunc_sendUART   ( char* args );
void cliFunc_setKeys    ( char* args );
void cliFunc_setMod     ( char* args );

// ----- Variables -----

// Output Module command dictionary
CLIDict_Entry( kbdProtocol, "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode" );
CLIDict_Entry( outputDebug, "Toggle Output Debug mode." );
CLIDict_Entry( readLEDs,    "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc." );
CLIDict_Entry( readUART,    "Read UART buffer until empty." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendKeys,    "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendUART,    "Send characters over UART0." );
CLIDict_Entry( setKeys,     "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m." );
CLIDict_Entry( setMod,      "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI" );

CLIDict_Def( outputCLIDict, "USB Module Commands" ) = {
	CLIDict_Item( kbdProtocol ),
	CLIDict_Item( outputDebug ),
	CLIDict_Item( readLEDs ),
	CLIDict_Item( readUART ),
	CLIDict_Item( sendKeys ),
	CLIDict_Item( sendUART ),
	CLIDict_Item( setKeys ),
	CLIDict_Item( setMod ),
	{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

// Which modifier keys are currently pressed
// 1=left ctrl,    2=left shift,   4=left alt,    8=left gui
// 16=right ctrl, 32=right shift, 64=right alt, 128=right gui
uint8_t  USBKeys_Modifiers    = 0;
uint8_t  USBKeys_ModifiersCLI = 0; // Separate CLI send buffer

// Currently pressed keys, max is defined by USB_MAX_KEY_SEND
uint8_t  USBKeys_KeysCLI[USB_NKRO_BITFIELD_SIZE_KEYS]; // Separate CLI send buffer

// System Control and Consumer Control 1KRO containers
uint8_t  USBKeys_SysCtrl;
uint16_t USBKeys_ConsCtrl;

// The number of keys sent to the usb in the array
uint8_t  USBKeys_Sent    = 0;
uint8_t  USBKeys_SentCLI = 0;

// 1=num lock, 2=caps lock, 4=scroll lock, 8=compose, 16=kana
volatile uint8_t  USBKeys_LEDs = 0;

// Currently pressed mouse buttons, bitmask, 0 represents no buttons pressed
volatile uint16_t USBMouse_Buttons = 0;

// Relative mouse axis movement, stores pending movement
volatile uint16_t USBMouse_Relative_x = 0;
volatile uint16_t USBMouse_Relative_y = 0;

// Protocol setting from the host.
// 0 - Boot Mode
// 1 - NKRO Mode (Default, unless set by a BIOS or boot interface)
volatile uint8_t  USBKeys_Protocol = USBProtocol_define;

// Indicate if USB should send update
// OS only needs update if there has been a change in state
USBKeyChangeState USBKeys_Changed = USBKeyChangeState_None;

// Indicate if USB should send update
USBMouseChangeState USBMouse_Changed = 0;

// the idle configuration, how often we send the report to the
// host (ms * 4) even when it hasn't changed
// 0 - Disables
uint8_t  USBKeys_Idle_Config = 0;

// Count until idle timeout
uint32_t USBKeys_Idle_Expiry = 0;
uint8_t  USBKeys_Idle_Count = 0;

// Indicates whether the Output module is fully functional
// 0 - Not fully functional, 1 - Fully functional
// 0 is often used to show that a USB cable is not plugged in (but has power)
volatile uint8_t  Output_Available = 0;

// Debug control variable for Output modules
// 0 - Debug disabled (default)
// 1 - Debug enabled
uint8_t  Output_DebugMode = 0;

// mA - Set by outside module if not using USB (i.e. Interconnect)
// Generally set to 100 mA (low power) or 500 mA (high power)
uint16_t Output_ExtCurrent_Available = 0;

// mA - Set by USB module (if exists)
// Initially 100 mA, but may be negotiated higher (e.g. 500 mA)
uint16_t Output_USBCurrent_Available = 0;

// ----- Capabilities -----

// Set Boot Keyboard Protocol
void Output_kbdProtocolBoot_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Only set if necessary
	if ( USBKeys_Protocol == 0 )

	// TODO Analog inputs
	// Only set on key press
	if ( stateType != 0x01 )

	// Flush the key buffers

	// Set the keyboard protocol to Boot Mode
	USBKeys_Protocol = 0;

// Set NKRO Keyboard Protocol
void Output_kbdProtocolNKRO_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Only set if necessary
	if ( USBKeys_Protocol == 1 )

	// TODO Analog inputs
	// Only set on key press
	if ( stateType != 0x01 )

	// Flush the key buffers

	// Set the keyboard protocol to NKRO Mode
	USBKeys_Protocol = 1;

// Toggle Keyboard Protocol
void Output_toggleKbdProtocol_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Only toggle protocol if release state
	if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x03 )
		// Flush the key buffers

		// Toggle the keyboard protocol Mode
		USBKeys_Protocol = !USBKeys_Protocol;

// Sends a Consumer Control code to the USB Output buffer
void Output_consCtrlSend_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Not implemented in Boot Mode
	if ( USBKeys_Protocol == 0 )
		warn_print("Consumer Control is not implemented for Boot Mode");

	// TODO Analog inputs
	// Only indicate USB has changed if either a press or release has occured
	if ( state == 0x01 || state == 0x03 )
		USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_Consumer;

	// Only send keypresses if press or hold state
	if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x03 ) // Release state
		USBKeys_ConsCtrl = 0;

	// Set consumer control code
	USBKeys_ConsCtrl = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);

// Ignores the given key status update
// Used to prevent fall-through, this is the None keyword in KLL
void Output_noneSend_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Nothing to do, because that's the point :P

// Sends a System Control code to the USB Output buffer
void Output_sysCtrlSend_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Not implemented in Boot Mode
	if ( USBKeys_Protocol == 0 )
		warn_print("System Control is not implemented for Boot Mode");

	// TODO Analog inputs
	// Only indicate USB has changed if either a press or release has occured
	if ( state == 0x01 || state == 0x03 )
		USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_System;

	// Only send keypresses if press or hold state
	if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x03 ) // Release state
		USBKeys_SysCtrl = 0;

	// Set system control code
	USBKeys_SysCtrl = args[0];

// Adds a single USB Code to the USB Output buffer
// Argument #1: USB Code
void Output_usbCodeSend_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Depending on which mode the keyboard is in the USB needs Press/Hold/Release events
	uint8_t keyPress = 0; // Default to key release, only used for NKRO
	switch ( USBKeys_Protocol )
	case 0: // Boot Mode
		// TODO Analog inputs
		// Only indicate USB has changed if either a press or release has occured
		if ( state == 0x01 || state == 0x03 )
			USBKeys_Changed = USBKeyChangeState_MainKeys;

		// Only send keypresses if press or hold state
		if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x03 ) // Release state
	case 1: // NKRO Mode
		// Only send press and release events
		if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x02 ) // Hold state

		// Determine if setting or unsetting the bitfield (press == set)
		if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x01 ) // Press state
			keyPress = 1;

	// Get the keycode from arguments
	uint8_t key = args[0];

	// Depending on which mode the keyboard is in, USBKeys_Keys array is used differently
	// Boot mode - Maximum of 6 byte codes
	// NKRO mode - Each bit of the 26 byte corresponds to a key
	//  Bits   0 -  45 (bytes  0 -  5) correspond to USB Codes   4 -  49 (Main)
	//  Bits  48 - 161 (bytes  6 - 20) correspond to USB Codes  51 - 164 (Secondary)
	//  Bits 168 - 213 (bytes 21 - 26) correspond to USB Codes 176 - 221 (Tertiary)
	//  Bits 214 - 216                 unused
	uint8_t bytePosition = 0;
	uint8_t byteShift = 0;
	switch ( USBKeys_Protocol )
	case 0: // Boot Mode
		// Set the modifier bit if this key is a modifier
		if ( (key & 0xE0) == 0xE0 ) // AND with 0xE0 (Left Ctrl, first modifier)
			USBKeys_Modifiers |= 1 << (key ^ 0xE0); // Left shift 1 by key XOR 0xE0
		// Normal USB Code
			// USB Key limit reached
			if ( USBKeys_Sent >= USB_BOOT_MAX_KEYS )
				warn_print("USB Key limit reached");

			// Make sure key is within the USB HID range
			if ( key <= 104 )
				USBKeys_Keys[USBKeys_Sent++] = key;
			// Invalid key
				warn_msg("USB Code above 104/0x68 in Boot Mode: ");
				printHex( key );
				print( NL );

	case 1: // NKRO Mode
		// Set the modifier bit if this key is a modifier
		if ( (key & 0xE0) == 0xE0 ) // AND with 0xE0 (Left Ctrl, first modifier)
			if ( keyPress )
				USBKeys_Modifiers |= 1 << (key ^ 0xE0); // Left shift 1 by key XOR 0xE0
			else // Release
				USBKeys_Modifiers &= ~(1 << (key ^ 0xE0)); // Left shift 1 by key XOR 0xE0

			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_Modifiers;
		// First 6 bytes
		else if ( key >= 4 && key <= 49 )
			// Lookup (otherwise division or multiple checks are needed to do alignment)
			// Starting at 0th position, each byte has 8 bits, starting at 4th bit
			uint8_t keyPos = key + (0 * 8 - 4); // Starting position in array, Ignoring 4 keys
			switch ( keyPos )
				byteLookup( 0 );
				byteLookup( 1 );
				byteLookup( 2 );
				byteLookup( 3 );
				byteLookup( 4 );
				byteLookup( 5 );

			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_MainKeys;
		// Next 14 bytes
		else if ( key >= 51 && key <= 155 )
			// Lookup (otherwise division or multiple checks are needed to do alignment)
			// Starting at 6th byte position, each byte has 8 bits, starting at 51st bit
			uint8_t keyPos = key + (6 * 8 - 51); // Starting position in array
			switch ( keyPos )
				byteLookup( 6 );
				byteLookup( 7 );
				byteLookup( 8 );
				byteLookup( 9 );
				byteLookup( 10 );
				byteLookup( 11 );
				byteLookup( 12 );
				byteLookup( 13 );
				byteLookup( 14 );
				byteLookup( 15 );
				byteLookup( 16 );
				byteLookup( 17 );
				byteLookup( 18 );
				byteLookup( 19 );

			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_SecondaryKeys;
		// Next byte
		else if ( key >= 157 && key <= 164 )
			// Lookup (otherwise division or multiple checks are needed to do alignment)
			uint8_t keyPos = key + (20 * 8 - 157); // Starting position in array, Ignoring 6 keys
			switch ( keyPos )
				byteLookup( 20 );

			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_TertiaryKeys;
		// Last 6 bytes
		else if ( key >= 176 && key <= 221 )
			// Lookup (otherwise division or multiple checks are needed to do alignment)
			uint8_t keyPos = key + (21 * 8 - 176); // Starting position in array
			switch ( keyPos )
				byteLookup( 21 );
				byteLookup( 22 );
				byteLookup( 23 );
				byteLookup( 24 );
				byteLookup( 25 );
				byteLookup( 26 );

			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_QuartiaryKeys;
		// Received 0x00
		// This is a special USB Code that internally indicates a "break"
		// It is used to send "nothing" in order to break up sequences of USB Codes
		else if ( key == 0x00 )
			USBKeys_Changed |= USBKeyChangeState_MainKeys;

			// Also flush out buffers just in case
		// Invalid key
			warn_msg("USB Code not within 4-49 (0x4-0x31), 51-155 (0x33-0x9B), 157-164 (0x9D-0xA4), 176-221 (0xB0-0xDD) or 224-231 (0xE0-0xE7) NKRO Mode: ");
			printHex( key );
			print( NL );

		// Set/Unset
		if ( keyPress )
			USBKeys_Keys[bytePosition] |= (1 << byteShift);
		else // Release
			USBKeys_Keys[bytePosition] &= ~(1 << byteShift);


void Output_flashMode_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Start flash mode

// Sends a mouse command over the USB Output buffer
// XXX This function *will* be changing in the future
//     If you use it, be prepared that your .kll files will break in the future (post KLL 0.5)
// Argument #1: USB Mouse Button (16 bit)
// Argument #2: USB X Axis (16 bit) relative
// Argument #3: USB Y Axis (16 bit) relative
void Output_usbMouse_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
	// Display capability name
	if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )

	// Determine which mouse button was sent
	// The USB spec defines up to a max of 0xFFFF buttons
	// The usual are:
	// 1 - Button 1 - (Primary)
	// 2 - Button 2 - (Secondary)
	// 3 - Button 3 - (Tertiary)
	uint16_t mouse_button = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);

	// X/Y Relative Axis
	uint16_t mouse_x = *(uint16_t*)(&args[2]);
	uint16_t mouse_y = *(uint16_t*)(&args[4]);

	// Adjust for bit shift
	uint16_t mouse_button_shift = mouse_button - 1;

	// Only send mouse button if in press or hold state
	if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x03 ) // Release state
		// Release
		if ( mouse_button )
			USBMouse_Buttons &= ~(1 << mouse_button_shift);
		// Press or hold
		if ( mouse_button )
			USBMouse_Buttons |= (1 << mouse_button_shift);

		if ( mouse_x )
			USBMouse_Relative_x = mouse_x;
		if ( mouse_y )
			USBMouse_Relative_y = mouse_y;

	// Trigger updates
	if ( mouse_button )
		USBMouse_Changed |= USBMouseChangeState_Buttons;

	if ( mouse_x || mouse_y )
		USBMouse_Changed |= USBMouseChangeState_Relative;

// ----- Functions -----

// Flush Key buffers
void Output_flushBuffers()
	// Zero out USBKeys_Keys array
	for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < USB_NKRO_BITFIELD_SIZE_KEYS; c++ )
		USBKeys_Keys[ c ] = 0;

	// Zero out other key buffers
	USBKeys_ConsCtrl = 0;
	USBKeys_Modifiers = 0;
	USBKeys_SysCtrl = 0;

// USB Module Setup
inline void Output_setup()
	// Setup UART

	// Initialize the USB
	// If a USB connection does not exist, just ignore it
	// All usb related functions will non-fatally fail if called
	// If the USB initialization is delayed, then functionality will just be delayed

	// Register USB Output CLI dictionary
	CLI_registerDictionary( outputCLIDict, outputCLIDictName );

	// Flush key buffers

// USB Data Send
inline void Output_send()
	// USB status checks
	// Non-standard USB state manipulation, usually does nothing

	// Boot Mode Only, unset stale keys
	if ( USBKeys_Protocol == 0 )
		for ( uint8_t c = USBKeys_Sent; c < USB_BOOT_MAX_KEYS; c++ )
			USBKeys_Keys[c] = 0;

	// XXX - Behaves oddly on Mac OSX, might help with corrupted packets specific to OSX? -HaaTa
	// Check if idle count has been exceed, this forces usb_keyboard_send and usb_mouse_send to update
	// TODO Add joystick as well (may be endpoint specific, currently not kept track of)
	if ( usb_configuration && USBKeys_Idle_Config && (
		USBKeys_Idle_Expiry < systick_millis_count ||
		USBKeys_Idle_Expiry + USBKeys_Idle_Config * 4 >= systick_millis_count ) )
		USBKeys_Changed = USBKeyChangeState_All;
		USBMouse_Changed = USBMouseChangeState_All;

	// Process mouse actions
	while ( USBMouse_Changed )

	// Send keypresses while there are pending changes
	while ( USBKeys_Changed )

	// Clear keys sent
	USBKeys_Sent = 0;

	// Signal Scan Module we are finished
	switch ( USBKeys_Protocol )
	case 0: // Boot Mode
		// Clear modifiers only in boot mode
		USBKeys_Modifiers = 0;
		Scan_finishedWithOutput( USBKeys_Sent <= USB_BOOT_MAX_KEYS ? USBKeys_Sent : USB_BOOT_MAX_KEYS );
	case 1: // NKRO Mode
		Scan_finishedWithOutput( USBKeys_Sent );

// Sets the device into firmware reload mode
void Output_firmwareReload()

// USB Input buffer available
inline unsigned int Output_availablechar()
	return usb_serial_available() + uart_serial_available();

// USB Get Character from input buffer
inline int Output_getchar()
	// XXX Make sure to check output_availablechar() first! Information is lost with the cast (error codes) (AVR)
	if ( usb_serial_available() > 0 )
		return (int)usb_serial_getchar();

	if ( uart_serial_available() > 0 )
		return (int)uart_serial_getchar();

	return -1;

// USB Send Character to output buffer
inline int Output_putchar( char c )
	// First send to UART
	uart_serial_putchar( c );

	// Then send to USB
	return usb_serial_putchar( c );

// USB Send String to output buffer, null terminated
inline int Output_putstr( char* str )
#if defined(_at90usb162_) || defined(_atmega32u4_) || defined(_at90usb646_) || defined(_at90usb1286_) // AVR
	uint16_t count = 0;
#elif defined(_mk20dx128_) || defined(_mk20dx128vlf5_) || defined(_mk20dx256_) || defined(_mk20dx256vlh7_) // ARM
	uint32_t count = 0;
	// Count characters until NULL character, then send the amount counted
	while ( str[count] != '\0' )

	// First send to UART
	uart_serial_write( str, count );

	// Then send to USB
	return usb_serial_write( str, count );

// Soft Chip Reset
inline void Output_softReset()

// Update USB current (mA)
// Triggers power change event
void Output_update_usb_current( unsigned int current )
	// Only signal if changed
	if ( current == Output_USBCurrent_Available )

	// Update USB current
	Output_USBCurrent_Available = current;

	/* XXX Affects sleep states due to USB messages
	unsigned int total_current = Output_current_available();
	info_msg("USB Available Current Changed. Total Available: ");
	printInt32( total_current );
	print(" mA" NL);

	// Send new total current to the Scan Modules
	Scan_currentChange( Output_current_available() );

// Update external current (mA)
// Triggers power change event
void Output_update_external_current( unsigned int current )
	// Only signal if changed
	if ( current == Output_ExtCurrent_Available )

	// Update external current
	Output_ExtCurrent_Available = current;

	unsigned int total_current = Output_current_available();
	info_msg("External Available Current Changed. Total Available: ");
	printInt32( total_current );
	print(" mA" NL);

	// Send new total current to the Scan Modules
	Scan_currentChange( Output_current_available() );

// Power/Current Available
unsigned int Output_current_available()
	unsigned int total_current = 0;

	// Check for USB current source
	total_current += Output_USBCurrent_Available;

	// Check for external current source
	total_current += Output_ExtCurrent_Available;

	// XXX If the total available current is still 0
	// Set to 100 mA, which is generally a safe assumption at startup
	// before we've been able to determine actual available current
	if ( total_current == 0 )
		total_current = 100;

	return total_current;

// ----- CLI Command Functions -----

void cliFunc_kbdProtocol( char* args )
	print( NL );
	info_msg("Keyboard Protocol: ");
	printInt8( USBKeys_Protocol );

void cliFunc_outputDebug( char* args )
	// Parse number from argument
	//  NOTE: Only first argument is used
	char* arg1Ptr;
	char* arg2Ptr;
	CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );

	// Default to 1 if no argument is given
	Output_DebugMode = 1;

	if ( arg1Ptr[0] != '\0' )
		Output_DebugMode = (uint16_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );

void cliFunc_readLEDs( char* args )
	print( NL );
	info_msg("LED State: ");
	printInt8( USBKeys_LEDs );

void cliFunc_readUART( char* args )
	print( NL );

	// Read UART buffer until empty
	while ( uart_serial_available() > 0 )
		char out[] = { (char)uart_serial_getchar(), '\0' };
		dPrint( out );

void cliFunc_sendKeys( char* args )
	// Copy USBKeys_KeysCLI to USBKeys_Keys
	for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < USBKeys_SentCLI; ++key )
		// TODO
		//USBKeys_Keys[key] = USBKeys_KeysCLI[key];
	USBKeys_Sent = USBKeys_SentCLI;

	// Set modifier byte
	USBKeys_Modifiers = USBKeys_ModifiersCLI;

void cliFunc_sendUART( char* args )
	// Write all args to UART
	uart_serial_write( args, lenStr( args ) );

void cliFunc_setKeys( char* args )
	char* curArgs;
	char* arg1Ptr;
	char* arg2Ptr = args;

	// Parse up to USBKeys_MaxSize args (whichever is least)
	for ( USBKeys_SentCLI = 0; USBKeys_SentCLI < USB_BOOT_MAX_KEYS; ++USBKeys_SentCLI )
		curArgs = arg2Ptr;
		CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );

		// Stop processing args if no more are found
		if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )

		// Add the USB code to be sent
		// TODO
		//USBKeys_KeysCLI[USBKeys_SentCLI] = numToInt( arg1Ptr );

void cliFunc_setMod( char* args )
	// Parse number from argument
	//  NOTE: Only first argument is used
	char* arg1Ptr;
	char* arg2Ptr;
	CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );

	USBKeys_ModifiersCLI = numToInt( arg1Ptr );