view Scan/STLcd/ @ 398:63b1d003fd50

Stop requiring editing of example scripts The example scripts include hardcoded values that do not work for everyone. Instead of requiring the files to be edited (and dirtying the git tree), allow them to take command-line arguments. Also adds better guidance for Mac OSX virtual serial ports.
author Joshua Flanagan <>
date Tue, 10 Nov 2015 10:32:06 -0600
parents 2e0074f75855
children 3437e2246259
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2015 by Jacob Alexander
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this file.  If not, see <>.

# Imports
import sys

from array import *
from PIL import Image

# Convenience class to deal with converting images to a C array
class STLcdGraphic:
	# Some constants for the LCD Driver
	page_width = 8
	page_max_length = 132


	def __init__( self, height, width ):
		self.height = height
		self.width  = width

		# Calculate number of pages
		self.page_count  = int( self.height / self.page_width )
		self.page_length = self.width

		# Initialize pages to 0's
		self.page_data = []
		for page in range( 0, self.page_count ):
			self.page_data.append( array( 'B', [0] * self.page_length ) )

	def setpixel( self, x, y ):
		# Calculate which page
		page = int( ( self.height - y ) / self.page_width )

		if page == 4:
			print("YAR", (x,y))

		# Calculate which byte
		byte = x

		# Calculate which bit
		bit = int( ( self.height - y ) % self.page_width )

		# Set pixel bit
		self.page_data[ page ][ byte ] |= (1 << bit)

	def getpage( self, page ):
		return self.page_data[ page ]

	def getarray( self ):
		struct = "{\n"

		for page in range( 0, self.page_count ):
			for elem in self.page_data[ page ]:
				struct += "0x{0:02x}, ".format( elem )

			if page != self.page_count - 1:
				struct += "\n"

		struct += "\n}"

		return struct

	# Prints out what the image will look like on the display
	def preview( self ):
		# Top border first
		display = "+"
		for pixel in range( 0, self.width ):
			display += "-"
		display += "+\n"

		# Each Page
		for page in range( self.page_count - 1, -1, -1 ):
			# Each Bit (Line)
			for line in range( 7, -1, -1 ):
				# Border
				display += "|"

				# Each Byte (Column/Pixel)
				for byte in range( 0, self.width ):
					if self.page_data[ page ][ byte ] & (1 << line):
						display += "*"
						display += " "

				# Border
				display += "|\n"

		# Bottom border
		display += "+"
		for pixel in range( 0, self.width ):
			display += "-"
		display += "+\n"

		return display

filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename is None:
	print( "You must specify a bitmap filename. Try './ ic_logo_lcd.bmp'" )
	sys.exit( 1 )
max_height = 32
max_width = 128
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 0
output_image = STLcdGraphic( max_height, max_width )

# Load the input filename and convert to black & white
	input_image = filename ).convert('1')
	print( "Unable to load image '{0}'".format( filename ) )

# Check the image size to see if within the bounds of the display
if input_image.size[0] > max_width or input_image.size[1] > max_height:
	print( "ERROR: '{0}:{1}' is too large, must be no larger than {2}x{3}".format(
		( input_image.format, input_image.size, input_image.mode ),
		max_height )
	sys.exit( 1 )

# Center the image
height_start = int( ( max_height - input_image.size[1] ) / 2 )
height_end   = int( height_start + input_image.size[1] )
width_start  = int( ( max_width - input_image.size[0] ) / 2 )
width_end    = int( width_start + input_image.size[0] )

#print( height_start )
#print( height_end )
#print( width_start )
#print( width_end )

# Iterate over all of the pixels
# Also prepare the debug view of the image (disp_test)
disp_test = "+"
for pixel in range( 0, max_width ):
	disp_test += "-"
disp_test += "+\n"

for y in range( 0, max_height ):
	disp_test += "|"

	# Check if within height range
	if not ( y >= height_start and y < height_end ):
		disp_test += " " * max_width + "|\n|"

	for x in range( 0, max_width ):
		# Check if within width range
		if not ( x >= width_start and x < width_end ):
			disp_test += " "

		# Use image value to determine pixel
			if input_image.getpixel( (x - width_start, y - height_start) ) == 0:
				disp_test += "*"
				output_image.setpixel( x, y + 1 ) # +1 is due to page boundary
				disp_test += " "
		except IndexError:
			print( (x - width_start,y - height_start) )

	disp_test += "|\n"

disp_test += "+"
for pixel in range( 0, max_width ):
	disp_test += "-"
disp_test += "+\n"

# BMP Conversion preview
print( disp_test )

print ( output_image.preview() )
#print ()
print( "uint8_t array[] = {0};".format( output_image.getarray() ) )