view buildall.bash @ 198:c011d5a6c26c

Splitting out structures and macros from the generated keymap. - Preparation to integrating the compiler
author Jacob Alexander <>
date Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:32:46 -0700
parents 0fdf103960c6
children ab4515606277
line wrap: on
line source

###| Builder Script |###
# Builds all permutations of modules
# This script is an attempt to maintain module sanity as new ones are added
# Fortunately, sweeping API changes don't happen much anymore...but just in case...
# Written by Jacob Alexander 2013 for the Kiibohd Controller
# Released into the Public Domain

## TODO List ##
# - Complete non-Scan module permutations (will take extra work)
# - Add command line arguments
# - Add help flag for usage
# - Make sure the script is being run from the correct directory

main() {

	# Scan for list of Scan Modules
	scanModules=$(ls Scan)

	# Prune out "invalid" modules (parent modules)

	# Create permutation directories
	# Then run cmake, and run each build permutation
	# Keeping track of how many builds failed/passed
	for module in $scanModules; do
		# Create directory, but do not error if it exists already
		mkdir -p build/$module
		cd build/$module

		# Make sure CMake has been run, and attempt to build
		cmake -DScanModuleOverride=$module ../.. && make || let failCount++

		# Cleanup, for the next build
		cd - > /dev/null

	totalModules=$(echo $scanModules | wc -w)
	if (( failCount > 0 )); then
		echo -e "$ERROR $failCount/$totalModules failed"
		echo -e "Build Success!"

#| Main Script Entry
main "$@"

exit 0