view arm.cmake @ 115:d3a47c0dfb50

Initial work for iGaging distance gauge.
author Jacob Alexander <>
date Sun, 02 Feb 2014 00:03:51 -0800
parents 6704aba435f0
children b61ca96b7c24
line wrap: on
line source

###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller |###
# Jacob Alexander 2011-2013
# Due to this file's usefulness:
# Released into the Public Domain
# Freescale ARM CMake Build Configuration

#| Set the Compilers (must be set first)
include( CMakeForceCompiler )
cmake_force_c_compiler  ( arm-none-eabi-gcc AVRCCompiler )
cmake_force_cxx_compiler( arm-none-eabi-g++ AVRCxxCompiler )

#| Compiler Binaries
set( OBJCOPY "arm-none-eabi-objcopy" )
set( OBJDUMP "arm-none-eabi-objdump" )
set( NM      "arm-none-eabi-nm"      )
set( SIZE    "arm-none-eabi-size"    )

# ARM Defines and Linker Options

#| Chip Name (Linker)
#| You _MUST_ set this to match the board you are using
#| type "make clean" after changing this, so all files will be rebuilt
#| "mk20dx128"        # Teensy   3.0
set( CHIP "mk20dx128" )

message( STATUS "Chip Selected:" )
message( "${CHIP}" )
set( MCU "${CHIP}" ) # For loading script compatibility

#| CPU Type
#| You _MUST_ set this to match the board you are using
#| type "make clean" after changing this, so all files will be rebuilt
#| "cortex-m4"        # Teensy   3.0
set( CPU "cortex-m4" )

message( STATUS "CPU Selected:" )
message( "${CPU}" )

#| Extra Compiler Sources
#| Mostly for convenience functions like interrupt handlers

message( STATUS "Compiler Source Files:" )
message( "${COMPILER_SRCS}" )

#| USB Defines
set( VENDOR_ID  "0x16C0" )
set( PRODUCT_ID "0x0487" )

#| Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
#|     c89   = "ANSI" C
#|     gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions
#|     c99   = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
#|     gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions
set( CSTANDARD "-std=gnu99" )

#| Warning Options
#|  -Wall...:     warning level
set( WARN "-Wall -g" )

#| Tuning Options
#|  -f...:        tuning, see GCC manual
#| NOTE: -fshort-wchar is specified to allow USB strings be passed conveniently
set( TUNING "-mthumb -nostdlib -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fshort-wchar" )

#| Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. 
#|     0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
#|     (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level.)
set( OPT "s" )

#| Output Format
#| srec, ihex, binary
set( FORMAT "ihex" )

#| Processor frequency.
#|   Normally the first thing your program should do is set the clock prescaler,
#|   so your program will run at the correct speed.  You should also set this
#|   variable to same clock speed.  The _delay_ms() macro uses this, and many
#|   examples use this variable to calculate timings.  Do not add a "UL" here.
set( F_CPU "48000000" )

#| Dependency Files
#| Compiler flags to generate dependency files.

#| Compiler Flags
add_definitions( "-mcpu=${CPU} -DF_CPU=${F_CPU} -D_${CHIP}_=1 -O${OPT} ${TUNING} ${WARN} ${CSTANDARD} ${GENDEPFLAGS}" )

#| Linker Flags
set( LINKER_FLAGS "-mcpu=${CPU} -Wl,-Map=${TARGET}.map,--cref -Wl,--gc-sections -mthumb -Wl,--no-wchar-size-warning -T${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Lib/${CHIP}.ld" )

#| Hex Flags (XXX, CMake seems to have issues if you quote the arguments for the custom commands...)
set( HEX_FLAGS -O ${FORMAT} -R .eeprom )

#| Lss Flags
set( LSS_FLAGS -h -S -z )