view CMakeLists.txt @ 50:ff4ae9501930

Adding initial version of Sony OA-S3400 converter. - Not fully reading for usage, but 90% of the way there for typing. - Some soldering is required for 2 keys to work properly (Shift and Shift Lock) - Even when complete, be careful when doing multiple key combos, as the key buffer is only cleared when all general keys are released (all except Shift, Shift Lock, and Code)
author Jacob Alexander <>
date Mon, 07 May 2012 02:32:56 -0400
parents 8a09c4d30e16
children 5359c8357d19
line wrap: on
line source

###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller |###
# Written by Jacob Alexander in 2011 for the Kiibohd Controller
# Due to this file's usefulness:
# Released into the Public Domain

#| Set the Compilers (must be set first)
include( CMakeForceCompiler )
cmake_force_c_compiler  ( avr-gcc AVRCCompiler )
cmake_force_cxx_compiler( avr-g++ AVRCxxCompiler )

#| Add Dependency Macro
include( AddFileDependencies )

# Project Description

#| Project
project( kiibohd_controller )

#| Target Name (output name)
set( TARGET kiibohd )

#| General Settings
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )

# Source Defines

#| Sources (see setup.h for configuring in/away code blocks or other complete modules)
#| XXX Not set here in this project, see setup.cmake
#set( SRCS ./main.c )

#| Instead, include the module source selector
include( setup.cmake )
set( SRCS

# Atmel Defines and Linker Options

#| MCU Name
#| You _MUST_ set this to match the board you are using
#| type "make clean" after changing this, so all files will be rebuilt
#| "at90usb162"       # Teensy   1.0
#| "atmega32u4"       # Teensy   2.0
#| "at90usb646"       # Teensy++ 1.0
#| "at90usb1286"      # Teensy++ 2.0
#set( MCU "atmega32u4" )
set( MCU "at90usb1286" )

#| Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
#|     c89   = "ANSI" C
#|     gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions
#|     c99   = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
#|     gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions
set( CSTANDARD "-std=gnu99" )

#| Warning Options
#|  -Wall...:     warning level
set( WARN "-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes" )

#| Tuning Options
#|  -f...:        tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
set( TUNING "-funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -ffunction-sections -fpack-struct -fshort-enums" )

#| Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. 
#|     0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
#|     (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
set( OPT "s" )

#| Output Format
#| srec, ihex, binary
set( FORMAT "ihex" )

#| Processor frequency.
#|   Normally the first thing your program should do is set the clock prescaler,
#|   so your program will run at the correct speed.  You should also set this
#|   variable to same clock speed.  The _delay_ms() macro uses this, and many
#|   examples use this variable to calculate timings.  Do not add a "UL" here.
set( F_CPU "16000000" )

#| Dependency Files
#| Compiler flags to generate dependency files.

#| Listing file
set( TARGET_LST ${TARGET}.lst )

#| Compiler Flags
add_definitions( "-mmcu=${MCU} -DF_CPU=${F_CPU} -O${OPT} ${TUNING} ${WARN} ${CSTANDARD} ${GENDEPFLAGS}" )

#| Linker Flags
set( LINKER_FLAGS "-mmcu=${MCU} -Wl,-Map=${TARGET}.map,--cref -Wl,--relax -Wl,--gc-sections" )

#| Hex Flags (XXX, CMake seems to have issues if you quote the arguments for the custom commands...)
set( HEX_FLAGS -O ${FORMAT} -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature )

#| Eep Flags
set( EEP_FLAGS -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ${FORMAT} )

#| Lss Flags
set( LSS_FLAGS -h -S -z )

# Build Targets

#| Create the .ELF file
set( TARGET_ELF ${TARGET}.elf )
add_executable( ${TARGET_ELF} ${SRCS} )

#| .ELF Properties
set_target_properties( ${TARGET_ELF} PROPERTIES

#| Convert the .ELF into a .HEX to load onto the Teensy
set( TARGET_HEX ${TARGET}.hex )
add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
	COMMENT "Creating load file for Flash:  ${TARGET_HEX}"

#| Convert the .ELF into a .EEP
set( TARGET_EEP ${TARGET}.eep )
add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
	COMMENT "Creating load file for EEPROM: ${TARGET_EEP}"

#| Generate the Extended .LSS
set( TARGET_LSS ${TARGET}.lss )
add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
	COMMENT "Creating Extended Listing:     ${TARGET_LSS}"

#| Generate the Symbol Table .SYM
set( TARGET_SYM ${TARGET}.sym )
add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
	COMMENT "Creating Symbol Table:         ${TARGET_SYM}"

# Size Information

#| After Changes Size Information
add_custom_target( SizeAfter ALL avr-size --target=${FORMAT} ${TARGET_HEX} ${TARGET_ELF}
	COMMENT "Size after generation:"

# Setup Loader Script

#| Provides the user with the correct teensy-loader-cli command for the built .HEX file
#| teensy-loader-cli must be in the user's path
	configure_file( LoadFile/bash load )

#| TODO Windows
	message( STATUS "Load Script is on my TODO List for Windows..." )
endif( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows" )